Endangered species Act Legacy Pledge

A number of conservation organizations, along with Representative Dingell, an endangered species champion who helped write the original Endangered Species Act in 1973, have created an Endangered Species Act Legacy Pledge. Tens of thousands of concerned citizens have already pledged their support for a strong Endangered Species Act.

When various threats arise to the Endangered Species Act, in the form of legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives or the Senate or negative administrative actions, the conservation community will be able to take the list of pledge supporters to Members of Congress and let them know that their constituents support strong protections for our nation’s endangered fish, plants and wildlife.

WHEREAS, the United States has a long and proud tradition of respect for the Earth’s wildlife and natural resources, and
WHEREAS, we have a responsibility to our children and future generations to be good stewards of our environment and to leave behind a legacy of protecting endangered species and the special places they call home, and
WHEREAS, the strength and vitality of the human environment is inextricably linked with the health of all species and the places they live, and
WHEREAS, species extinction and habitat destruction are a serious threat to our own welfare. For example, nature is the source for most of our commonly-prescribed medicines and the loss of species could mean the loss of life-saving drugs, and
WHEREAS, we have a responsibility to use the best available science to ensure we protect this legacy for future generations, and
WHEREAS, for over 30 years, the Endangered Species Act has served as the nation's safety net for wildlife, saving hundreds of plants and animals from extinction, putting hundreds more on the path to recovery, and safeguarding the habitats on which they all depend,
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, PLEDGE to uphold the Endangered Species Act so it may continue to protect our plants and animals and the special places they live, from the finality of extinction.